Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Cat I'm Going To Get When I Grow Up

Dear Blog,
It's official. I know exactly what pet I'm going to get in ten years or so, when I'm a lot older and I can afford it. A cat! But not just any cat. A Savannah cat. I know they may be around... $25,000, but still. I'm going to be rich and famous one day, so I may as well indulge.
I mean, they're so cute! Their long legs, their big ears, and their unique look. They can be vicious at times, but what kitten could be more vicious than my Smokey? I mean look at my kitty Smokey, and a Savannah/Serval cat...

Do you see the resemblance? That's what I thought. Love you, Smokey!
Anyways, I've made my decision. This is on my top ten list of things I'm going to buy when I become rich and successful (and famous!).

I love you,

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