Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Cat I'm Going To Get When I Grow Up

Dear Blog,
It's official. I know exactly what pet I'm going to get in ten years or so, when I'm a lot older and I can afford it. A cat! But not just any cat. A Savannah cat. I know they may be around... $25,000, but still. I'm going to be rich and famous one day, so I may as well indulge.
I mean, they're so cute! Their long legs, their big ears, and their unique look. They can be vicious at times, but what kitten could be more vicious than my Smokey? I mean look at my kitty Smokey, and a Savannah/Serval cat...

Do you see the resemblance? That's what I thought. Love you, Smokey!
Anyways, I've made my decision. This is on my top ten list of things I'm going to buy when I become rich and successful (and famous!).

I love you,

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Is It Better To Be Gay Or Straight?

Dear Diary

This is something I think about sometimes. I've come to a conclusion. I think it would make the world a better place if the majority of people were gay/lesbian rather than straight. So there would be some straight people, but definitely not as many.
People have argued with me, and said that our population will decrease drastically because two women or two men can't have a child. I disagree. Already, our population is beginning to get dangerously high. We already have too many people in the world. Did you know that on average, every second three people die, but six are born? That means that every second, our world population increases by three people! That's really a lot, when you think about it.
With more people, our world would become a terrible place over time. There'd be more pollution and whatnot. If people on the planet Earth were more accepting towards gay people, then that would encourage more people to feel comfortable exploring their sexuality.
Plus, if girls dated girls and guys dated guys, girls would be able to talk with each other about what jerks guys are and they'd be more comfortable with their bodies. Same for guys. They could talk about how annoying and PMS-y girls can get sometimes.
I think that would bring us one step closer to a better, more free world. Because right now, look at all the things wrong with our country, our continent, and our planet. I think everybody can make a change.

I love you,

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

I Miss School More Than A Normal Teen Should

Dear Diary, (or blog, I suppose?)

This is really weird. I can't stop thinking about how much I miss school. I just don't know how to explain it. I'm lonely this summer. All my friends are around the world in Europe and Mexico and Australia and South America, and I haven't really been anywhere yet. I just went to the Cape for a bit, and then I'm visiting cousins. Boring, right? My social life is dying a slow, painful death.
Yet, here's something I've got some problems with. My friends, actually. The guys in my friend group are all gross or full of themselves. Get this; one guy takes turn making out with girls in our group. Um, can you spell ew?! I would never ever date any of them. Sadly, I did at one point, but that is totally the past.
Don't even get me started on the girls. They're all either desperate, attention whores, or just plain bitches. All they care about is getting boys and more attention. I'm sorry, but I flat out refuse to dress like a slut or act like a lesbian even though I'm not just to get attention. That's not the way. I am not a whore. Which is why I can't hang out with my friends anymore.
I just don't know what to do. They all hate me anyway. They think I'm a bitch. Well you know what, my "friends"? You guys can suck it! Just because I don't want to stand out, doesn't mean you should trash talk about me and start rumors (which they did!).
My life is falling apart, and I'm scared about what's going to come next year at school. I've already read so many articles on how to make new friends, and I think I'm ready. I'm ready to move on to a new social group of reliable friends. The place that I belong. Before my social status at school falls apart. And if you think I'm going to let these girls who I call my friends ruin my status, you are quite mistaken. Take that, bitches.
Sorry for sounding a bit bitter. I'm just really nervous. But more than ever, I can't wait for school to come. Who knows a new year will bring?

I love you,

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

We Need To Stop Puppy Mills

Hi, guys. I know this is supposed to be like my personal diary, but I have a really important issue to talk to you guys about today. It's called puppy mills. I'm sure a lot of you have never even heard about them. I'm going to give you a full on inside out explanation on what they are, and how we can stop them.

Puppy mills are small, overcrowded placed where people keep dogs to breed and sell to pet stores. The owners take awful care of the dogs, not giving them enough food, sometimes dirty water, no playtime, and worst of all, no love. It's a fact that dogs need love and care and human socialization to be healthy. These dogs have tons of diseases, and are bred by force. Did you know that the mommy and daddy dogs will probably never live outside the mills ever in their lives? They're stuck there forever.
These pups are claimed to be purebred, but seriously, can you really trust an animal abuser?

How would you like to live your whole life in a tiny cage with two other people like the picture above?! Here's what we all can do to help the cause:
  • Adopt dogs from shelters or trusted breeders, not pet stores. By buying from pet stores, you're promoting animal cruelty.
  • If you want a purebred really badly, check shelters first. Did you know that out of every four dogs in the shelter, one of them is a purebred? True fact.
  • Pregnant mother dogs are forced to keep on reproducing until they die. How sad is that? If we stop buying pet store dogs, the abusers will make no money and be forced to find another job, shutting down their mills. Hurray! :)
  • There are no laws against puppy mills!!! We need to write to the White House and inform them that this is a serious problem in America, and maybe even other places in the world, too. If enough people write, maybe we can convince Obama to do something!
  • Tell your friends and family. People need to know the facts.
  • Do you know something about animal cruelty? Do you have suspicions? Visit HERE to find out how to report animal cruelty. You can remain anonymous and not even have to state your name.
  • Don't buy a dog from the internet. It's not safe. (I don't believe in buying anything online even!)
  • Make it public by doing a report in front of your class about it, or writing about it on your MySpace profile.
Don't be afraid to speak out about me. I'm guessing that only 1 out of 50 people knows about these mills. Let's try to raise that number together. If you love animals, then don't ignore this problem. Dogs have feelings, too. Did you know they have kitten mills, too? 
All I ask is that you look at these pictures. Do these animals look happy? You tell me.

I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do something.
Help me stop animal abuse.

I love you,

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Welcome To Sassy's Personal Blog, The Autumn Afternoon

Hi guys. I'm Sassy, and this is my own personal blog, which I'm sharing with all of you. You may be wondering why I called this "The Autumn Afternoon," right? Well, fear not, I'll get to that shortly. But first, I'd like to talk for a bit.

Over the course of a long time, hopefully many years, I'm going to be recording entries in here. Unlike my other blog, Make School Rule, which is about making school more fun, this blog wasn't made specifically for you guys to read. I'm opening this to the public if you want to read it, but you certainly don't have to. It's for me to vent and share my feelings. Like a diary, only a lot more public. Yet this way, I can get input from other people, and at the same time remain anonymous.
I've had many, many countless traumas where my family and friends found my diaries where I poured my heart out, and it led to crying and friendships ending and losing trust. I resorted to hiding my diary in my locker but then I never got to opportunity to write in it, because someone was always there! 
So what was my point? My point was, handwriting in a diary is dangerous, and I'm now against it. People can easily find it, keys can get lost, sock drawers can get cleaned out my parents, siblings could try to look for it for revenge (And it does happen. My little sister personally did this to me, and showed it to my mom and dad. I still can't forgive her for it to this day.). Don't forget that it may get thrown out because it was mistaken for an old book. God knows who could find it then!
So you're all probably dying to know why I named this blog 'The Autumn Afternoon,' right? Well, it's because Autumn is my absolute favorite season, which happens to be coming up in a couple of months, and the leaves on trees bring back so many memories and help me appreciate the true beauty of nature. It almost makes me want to cry. And I know I'm usually very sarcastic, but that was all the plain truth.
I hope you all enjoy reading about my life, and I hope I inspired you guys to do something, whether it's to make your own blog or take a real walk outside.
I love you,